About MCP
Providing worldwide consultancy and training services
MCP Consulting Group Ltd. is a UK-based consultancy company established in 1987. We provide physical asset management and maintenance consulting and training services to clients on a worldwide basis.
We are focused on supporting clients’ future business objectives and proud that our history has given us the firm foundations upon which to grow and keep pace with industry changes.
Established network of offices and partners
Our staff, who are experienced managers, qualified engineers and trainers with extensive line management experience, provide consultancy and training services that will benefit any organisation that owns, maintains or operates plant and equipment.
We believe our people drive our business, differentiating us from our competitors – allowing us to build lasting value by finding the answers to client questions.
MCP works with multinational blue-chip organisations to support their organisational change requirements and cost improvement objectives. Our customers are drawn from a wide range of business sectors including Food & Drink, Pharmaceuticals, Utilities, Facilities Management, Transportation & Aviation, Chemical and Manufacturing sectors.
We have established a network of offices and partners that provide support to organisations that operate multi-site plants throughout the world. The breadth of our network supports an organisation’s business goals and provides them with the most up-to-date technological products, business insights and strategies.
Our Group of Companies
Asset management and maintenance consultancy
MCP offers a range of consultancy services that can be tailored to meet your needs. As your strategic partner, we can mobilise our team as a full-service provider or as part of an integrated task force. Our network supports your goals and provides clients with the best and most up-to-date business insights.
Through best practice and with 30 years of on-project experience, MCP’s targeted and benefits-driven approach can be used to help you continuously assess, engage and improve.
Technical skills and asset maintenance training
MCP provides scheduled technical training courses and asset maintenance training courses at our locations in Reading and Solihull and on-site courses for your Operators, Technicians, Engineers and Operational Managers to ensure they have the appropriate skills to operate, maintain and manage your organisation.
We have extensive experience of training and coaching people within Food and Drink, Pharmaceuticals, Utilities, Facilities Management, Transportation & Aviation, Chemical and Manufacturing sectors. MCP is one of only 10 Trainers in the world endorsed by the Institute of Asset Management to provide training aligned to ISO 55000.
Smart Asset Maintenance
The increased interest in technological applications for improving equipment reliability has advanced rapidly over the last few years and these provide proven cost-effective solutions for improving equipment reliability through the use of predictive maintenance and condition machine monitoring systems.
We are experts in providing maintenance free, wireless IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)/ Industry 4.0 solutions, bringing together technology, development, software, hardware and consulting, all with a single aim - to reduce costs.
Smart Asset Maintenance, which is a member of the MCP Consulting Group, has been established to deliver scalable technology solutions to its clients.